Sunday, April 26, 2009


While at lunch the other day, my lead lunch companion asked if we could pray before the meal.

Now, perhaps many of you have encountered this situation. Actually, it comes under the same heading of being a good guest, companion or host. Here are a few things to remember:

  • Since she had initiated the meeting, she was essentially the host and it was her meeting (or meal).
  • She asked if we could pray. She was respectful of our feelings, thoughts and beliefs.
  • I consented because, well, she asked, and I had noticed in an earlier meeting she had taken a moment for silent prayer before the meal.

This is an individual basis situation, but it comes under the heading of good manners--from all parties. We live in a homogeneous world and country and need to be respectful of other cultures, languages and people. Squelch any of those and you run the risk of squashing ideas.

But, remember, it does work both ways.


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