Sunday, June 20, 2010

Those who influence us

Today being Father's Day, I am inspired to think about the men who have influenced me during my life. From a networking perspective this is important as we need to recognize that we continue to encounter similar people throughout our life. And, as with anything in history, we need to understand it so that we can either avoid or choose to repeat it.

By the way, there are many women in our lives who influence us. Let's save that for Mother's Day.

My personal list is a set of five and in no particular order, except chronology. Let's start with one we can all relate to and related to this day.

My dad (always on a list like this), Harry Maynard, was gone too early as far as I am concerned. I am actually older today than he was when he passed on. But in those 55 years (21 spent with me), I learned courtesy and how to approach people in a polite fashion. He was a pharmacist in small stores over his career and customer service and reaching out to his clients was very important. He also taught me to be forgiving and loving of others. Then there was his strong work ethic.

Robert Dawson was my high school graphic arts instructor. If I had really listened to him, I would be a professional photographer today. But what he did teach me were the values of quality and finishing what you start. When you learn the basics of photography on s Speed Graphic and process film a sheet at a time, you learn patience and the value of process. He also taught me to see and to visualize. It wasn't always about the equipment, it was about the eye.

My eldest son, Dan. I learned a lot from Dan while he lived with me for two years in Dallas. We discovered the place together and talked politics, music, culture and life. I got to share his life as an adult, something I didn't get to do with my own dad. He's the reason I stayed in Dallas.

My youngest son Drew. Drew is the guy who can overcome anything. While his brother barely has to crack a book to pass an exam, Drew has worked incredibly hard to earn every grade and score he has. He has the master's degree to prove it. He's also overcome a childhood illness and the loss of his true love to death. Drew taught me, and still teaches me, that with preparation and application, you can achieve anything. Life is too important to waste.

Lastly, I must include a man I never met. I've heard he was a great guy and well liked. But if he hadn't have passed on, I would never have met and fallen in love with his widow. I'm in Texas in large part because of him and I hope to meet him someday. Remember the influence of your actions goes beyond your immediate grasp.

We all need to remember the men (people) in our lives who touch us and leave their mark. Remember the lesson and take it to the next episode. Thanks, guys, for all you've done to help me in this life. Happy Father's Day.


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