Saturday, July 31, 2010

Four Pillars of Customer Service--from a Baseball Team

The differentiator for so many businesses these days isn't your product, it is the service presenting and supporting it. We see it time and again in many industries from automobiles to restaurants to consumer products.

But it really works in baseball.

The Texas Rangers use a simple four-point formula for their entire staff on a daily basis:

  1. Welcome guests ("Welcome to the Ballpark.")
  2. Address their needs and wants ("How can I help you?")
  3. Thank them for coming ("Thank you for coming today.")
  4. Invite them back ("Please come again.")

Simple. Direct. Effective. Attendance is up, the brand is consistent and guests are happy. And the team is winning.

Consider these simple steps in your own everyday life.


1 comment:

  1. The Twins are doing a great job in this area so far at Target Field.

    At the last two games I attended I participated in fan satisfaction surveys in which a Twins rep with a tablet computer recorded my concerns and observations.
