Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Choosing your words carefully

It has been said that once words leave your mouth that they remain out there forever. Words can hurt of heal and they really can last for a long time, particularly in this new digital age.

Consider this in these two instances:
  • When you write
  • When you speak

Sure, this is simple. But today, things can be carried around the world in written form or in recorded form. Take for example the LinkedIn recommendation: yes, you can revise it, but once it is published, it is out there for all to read. Remember LI is searchable in lots of ways. So, when you recommend someone, treat it as you would a verbal or other formal recommendation. Use the same rules of thumb: know them, mean it and tell the truth.

When you speak at a networking event, consider what you say carefully. Those who know you continue to learn about you; new contacts are collecting first impressions. Be polite, correct, truthful and chose your words carefully.


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