Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fill your calendar

You've heard the axiom, "never eat lunch alone"? How about, "don't waste space on your calendar?

How many meetings have you been to this week? How many do you have scheduled? I'm not talking about those internal things; I'm talking about the outside-the-building-meet-face-to-face meetings.

Come on, now, how many? Two? Three? Five?

These meetings do several things:

  • Energize you and charge your batteries
  • Help you understand real time
  • Hear new ideas and names
  • Get you out of your routine

I'm not saying to have a bunch of frivolous, time-wasting coffee chats. We're talking about setting up a time to meet with someone with an informal agenda of what you can do for each other. imit them to lunch, breakfast, or a 30-minute coffee meeting.

You'll feel refreshed for it.


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