Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tending the garden

As we all continue to network and connect with people, let's not forget you are making and nurturing relationships.

As with a garden, you need to tend water, fertilize, harvest and rework the soil.

Water by regular contact with your network. Sincerely reach out to those in your circle. Top of mind is good.

Give back to fertilize. Do something in return for your contacts. Buy them coffee, connect them with someone you've met or who is in your network.

When a contact or introduction turns into business, it's harvest time. But harvest time for farmers is a time of reflection and reinvestment and bill paying time.

That's when you rework the "soil": be sure to send thank yous and spread the wealth. Tell your contact of your success and thank them with a personal note, a gift card, flowers or lunch. Offer "what can I do for you in return?"


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