Monday, August 3, 2009


It's been said before in this space, but it came up again this past weekend: we really don't know the width and breadth of our networks.

A colleague from my Honeywell days wrote to me. It seems he had interviewed a former client of mine and she was in my network. He didn't know her, but I did. Independently, the candidate/former client had also written to me. Maybe it is a function of time, but the value of knowing both those people and the fact that they are now interacting, makes me remember several facts from earlier columns:

  • You never know who you are going to work with or for.
  • Don't burn a bridge--you may be standing on it.
  • Courtesy is king.

I value the friendship and trust of both of these people and respect their skills and work ethic, as I do the people in my network. You just never know when paths will cross.


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