Friday, February 26, 2010

Five unbreakable rules

There are a tremendous number of things we all have to remember as we move through life. But only a handfull are truly unbreakable. Always:

  1. Be polite.
  2. Return calls.
  3. Make eye contact.
  4. Have and carry business cards.
  5. Keep your resume current.
Well, these are my five unbreakables. Let's take them one by one:

Be polite. Like Mom told you, "do unto others as you have them unto to you." The Golden Rule. People always remember a polite person and never forget a rude one.

Return calls. Somebody (no matter who) takes the time to call you, you need to return the favor. Answer their question.

Make eye contact. People will know you are serious and listening to them.

Business cards. Your calling card is indispensible. "Get back to me" now carries weight because they now know how.

Keep your resume current. There is nothing worse than having to scramble to either make one up or have to search files or your hard drive for the latest version. Your life is a work in progress--make sure the portrait is up to date.


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