Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Three "A"s

In a conversation with a physician friend the other evening, he introduced me to a concept I hadn't heard of before.

The three "A"s:

  1. Affability
  2. Availability
  3. Ability

Unfortunately, in the example he used, it was a bit of a negative connotation. In the mill that our healthcare industry has become, in some healthcare systems, this is an order of priority that you have when either getting or choosing a physician.

  1. Is he or she affable? That is, can you talk with them?
  2. Are they available? Do you have access to them and them to you?
  3. What is their ability? This is the scary question because it is listed third....
But what's to say this concept can't be applied to networking and your business?

Are you affable or approachable? Do people like you well enough to do business with you?

Are you available? Will you be there when the prospect needs the service or product? Will you be there when they need it again? Will you back it up?

Do you have the skill and ability the client needs? Really, all three of these elements work together to give you an advantage (or disadvantage). If you can't do the work, why bother with the first two?

Things to think about.


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