Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Overkill on social media

After a number of months of using LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, I'm on overload.

And I guess I should be. But it doesn't have to (and shouldn't) be that way.

What got me thinking about this is Facebook. I see a number of colleagues using Facebook as a way to reach out to freinds, clients, prospects and the rest of the world. However, hearing moment-to-moment about "being tired" or their latest cup of coffee, is a bit much. So, I've taken the approach that I take with LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a bit more serious. It allows you to make a comment about what you are doing right now, as does Facebook. However, I've even taken a step back here: I only mention those things that are serious and of interest to my fellow LIers. These entries are more of the "travelling to the AWMA show" or "attending the IABC networking event" rather than the fluffier stuff. Truth is, I've also taken the same serious direction with Facebook and Twitter. It's polite, professional promotion.

And I've cut back to only a few entries per week rather than the multiple-day postings of earlier this year.

A good thing is nice; let's not abuse a good thing. And, too, let us all realize that we're adults and we should think carefully (and long and hard) before speaking (or, in this case, typing). Besides, we all have work to do beyond this.


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