Thursday, March 19, 2009

Returning phone calls

It is so simple of an act: returning the call of someone who has called you.

I know many of us have an aversion to the phone. But, let's face it, somebody called you first. And now you owe them the courtesy of returning their call.

It's easy. And can be the difference between profit and a loss. Sure, sometimes it's just you calling back a friend (and that's how you really need to look at it), but many times it is a client calling back--and that's business.

In the past, I've actually gained clients because I called back when they hadn't heard from their incumbent account executive. This simple (and courteous) act can mean a lot to the receipient. And you.

So, pick up the phone when it rings. Return the call from the voicemail:

  • Promptly (with a few hours at the most)
  • With a smile (really, smile when you talk)
  • Prepared to answer any questions. Or pose them.
  • Remember who placed the first call.
  • Be prepared with correct names and any facts your caller may be interested in.


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