Thursday, March 19, 2009

Speaking engagements

One of the best and easiest ways to extend your brand and earn credibility with your network is to become a speaker.

Whether you are a seasoned veteran or beginner, standing up in front of a group and sharing your experiences, knowledge or humor (or some combination of the three) is a great way for you and your audience to grow. Not to mention, giving you new-found confidence.

The group could be your local association (ad club, professional groups such as IABC, and AMA) or chambers of commerce (here in Dallas, the North Dallas Chamber) or the local Rotary. Most groups are looking for speakers and would welcome the opportunity.

The topic should fit the group. Whether it's marketing to small businesses or teaching how to re-pot plants in the spring, be sure and know your topic and fit it to the group. Make it educational in nature and not a sales pitch (remember the rule: stop pitching and start listening).

Style and format are up to you and fit to your audience as well. PowerPoint or just a speech as a standup, make it interesting and entertaining. Be sure and give your audience some things to walk away with.

And be prepared to come early and stay late. As my colleague, Jeff Warr, learned at a presentation just the other day, lunchtime runs from 11am to almost 3pm! People want to engage someone (like you) in interesting conversation and learn something at the same time.


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