Friday, May 22, 2009

"Tell me a story"

One of the rules of networking is "have stories." My physician is one of the best examples of this.

Whenever I go for a visit to The Good Doctor G, he greets me with "Brother Paul," followed by "tell me a story."

That's a great engagement line. But it also illustrates that being able to clearly and succinctly tell your "story" helps paint the picture for the asking party.

In a networking situation, stories help us illustrate or/and support our point. Whether it's a work-related story or a personal one from your tellable archives, being able to become part of a conversation, help support someone else's point or illustrate one of yours, it's a great device.

However, don't misuse or abuse this device: this isn't so you can name drop or relate unrelated triumphs. It's not about you, it's about connecting.


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