Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Is Rome Burning?

It is a time and a realization that comes to all of us: is our Rome burning?

That is to say, is our world changing in front of us? Layoff, job change, divorce, pending breakup--and we aren't paying attention? Or at least paying enough attention?

For all we know, we may be doing just the right things at the right time. Pacing ourselves as the changes come daily.

But don't get too comfortable and complacent. That's when things get real bad. Avoid the "real bad" by taking action and thinking clearly.

Get rest, stay on task, keep up as if things aren't changing. Hell, foreclosures take months to happen. But don't let it come to that--call ahead of time and let them know things have changed. Like any good networking action, you'd be surprised by the positive response.

And about your network: don't be afraid to ask, call, stop by and see the people who you know and trust. And don't wait until you're laid off, fired or alone to start this. Do it now and keep it up.

Rome might be burning, but be sure and notice the flames before they get too big. You might be able to control the fire if you do.



  1. Well said, Paul. I am always surprised by the people who start to "power network" only when they lose a job, only to retreat into obscurity when they land a new one. It's important to stay engaged at all times. You never know when a long-time contact will make the difference in presenting your next opportunity.

  2. It's crucial to regularly set aside time for assessing current conditions and nurturing long-term opportunities. Technology (spreadsheets, calendar reminders, contact management software, etc.) helps, but the critical item is to make these activities habits.
