Monday, April 5, 2010

Are You Really a Self Starter?

We've all been asked if we are or described ourselves as self starters. You know, the person who can find the wherewithall to start from scratch or with nothing to get a project or task going and then see it through to completion.

But are we really?

There are some real real-life tests of this. If you are someone who offices by themselves or out of a home office, you have part of this ethic going already. You have to start your day, not a boss coming by your desk or a bell going off (that really does happen).

If you don't have a family or significant other to motivate you, then you are a self starter. You have to start the day/task/project because you want to and not because someone else is driving you.

Same goes for job seekers--the balance in the bank account is ticking and will be gone if you aren't motivated.

Freelancers live by the notion that they are only as good as their last assignment. the client won't ask you back or pay you if you don't perform. YOU don't perform.

There are countless other ways to measure this, but you get the picture. You ahve to find "it" inside of you to push forward in this life. As a good friend of mine told me when I needed motivation at a low time:

"Now, go out and conquer something!"


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