Monday, June 29, 2009


Consider your various networks: those that are the new-age electronic variety versus the old-school, clasped-hand face-to-face groups.

Are you using a mix of both? It really makes sense not to ignore today's technology when it comes to connecting to and with people. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook do shorten the initial conversation when you do meet for the first time in person. However, those media should be the conduit for just that: an in-person meeting.

Nothing replaces face-to-face contact. The old adages about good first impressions still hold true. People still want to size up and look someone in the eye. Hearing a voice and the inflection go a long way toward making a partnership--if there is to be one.

Not that "old-boy" networks don't have their problems. But be sure to have a mix of networking to make sure you are connecting on all levels.

Our colleague, Guy Kawasaki, referenced this in a recent Tweet ( Thanks, Guy.


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