Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Appropriate conversation

The old saw of don't discuss politics or religion in polite conversation was brought home to me yesterday.

Over lunch, I recounted to a friend a conversation I had had the previous weekend with some mutual friends. My lunch companion asked why I had discussed politics in this conversation so early in my relationship with the mutual friends.

She had a point: what should be talked about what shouldn't? Why do we talk about certain things and not others?

Really, it comes down to courtesy and being polite (Rule #1). Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you have to voice it. And certainly not in a first conversation or encounter with someone. Talk about other, common things that help you get to know someone. Having a meeting end with both parties storming off, fuming in anger does no one any good.

so, when talking to anybody, consider not talking about religion or politics. Your common interests, your businesses, family, origins, the weather, current books.

Don't mean to sound like Miss Manners, but use your judgment and common courtesy.


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