Monday, June 8, 2009


With all of the talk about networking and connecting and whatever, we must not lose sight of what our motives and direction are.

While most networking situations are for business purposes, we find ourselves in a grey area sometimes since we are taking this on from a social direction. The bleed between the spheres does have us sometimes forgetting what the aim is and that we must exercise courtesy and comportment.

I heard a quote recently that, while it was used to describe the changing landscape of education, it applies here.

"Good reputations are difficult to build and easy to squander," said Ann Brown of the Arizona Daily Star of the changes in the education system in Arizona. Just as I have given her credit for the quote, so must we consider the ethics surrounding social interactions.

There is little we can control in this life, but your reputation is one of them and one you must guard closely. Be reputable in your business dealings and remember that you are dealing with people with feelings and opinions.


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