Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Nix the hard sell

Keep in mind that relationship selling is just that--selling you, not a product or commodity.

If you are into networking to generate sales, be patient. And I'll pull this word out--classy. If you go to an event with order pad in hand, well, knock it off. If the next words out of your mouth after, "Hi, may name is..." are either "where can I send my resume?" or "would you be interested in buying..." then you are not getting this.

I once worked for a company that swore up and down they were relationship sellers. Well, yes, they did sell to people they had relationships with. However, the business was a manufacturing concern at it's core and relied on volume sales of products ("stuff stackers" as one colleague describes them). Their approach was to meet folks, but write them off if they didn't place an order.

To be honest, there is a place for that style. Usually, longer sales cycles are the best fit for true relationship selling as described in this space. True, you have to close the sale ventually. Just don't kill future sales for the instant gratification of the immediate sale.


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