Sunday, July 5, 2009

Impressions and attitudes

Not everyone can get along with everybody. It's true, particularly in business. While we do all seem to live by the axiom of "we do busienss with people we like," sometimes that doesn't always hold.

Some people naturally don't fit with other people. If an account executive has a personality conflict with a client contact, one has to change for the good of both businesses. It's nothing against either party, it's just that eh client (and the AE) have the right to work with someone they can relate to, like, connect with.

When I worked for a creative company as their new business development guy, when I was in meetings with a prospect and I sensed a potential conflict, I offered to step away. "There are eight other AEs in this company," I would suggest, "I know one of the them will match up well with you and your company vision."

So, don't get upset if you hear through the grapevine that your biggest client or important network contact doesn't care for you. There is always a workaround. Be the bigger person and suggest alternatives.


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