Friday, July 10, 2009

Building Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is who you are to the world. It is up to you to define it and shape it...and control it.

Robin McCasland of Buck Consultants advises that there are five things to keep in mind when you are building your personal brand:

  1. Be choosy, be specific
  2. Having an ego is not a crime
  3. Pay attention to what others observe
  4. Become part of a clique (get involved)
  5. Get outside inspiration if you need it.

We'll take these on one at a time over the next few entries. This is good stuff and we all need to pay attention about how we are perceived by the world.


This is an extract from a presentation by Robin McCasland of Buck Consultants given to the IABC Dallas chapter on 7/10/09.

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