Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Last Words

Pay attention to last words. Whether it's a meeting with a customer, a lunch with friends or saying goodbye to your mom at the car door as you leave, last words are memorable and important.

It's happened to me for years. I've spent hours with a client over lunch, discussing a project or agreement. It isn't until we got up to leave that he leaned over and said a few key words, such as "you've got the deal," or "the next time we meet...." or something similarly decisive.

It's happened with friends at lunch. We've talked about many things and when the check comes, so do the revelatory words. "The next time we meet,..." or "Remember...."

And, of course, when we part from family. My late mother-in-law was always good about choosing her words carefully when we parted at the door, the car or at the airport gate. Some of my most memorable conversations with her were at these times.

Remember all of a meeting and pay attention to the last moments especially.


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